Sunday 30 November 2008

Camera Critters Meme #34

Hi all

A little hungover today, following a fantastic birthday celebration yesterday evening (not mine!). A very good evening was had by all, but was in serioud need of a chilled day today!!

Camera Critters: This week I would like to introduce you to the second of my fur-babies - Louis. A blue British Shorthair, who happens to be the cat with the smallest amount of brain. I love him to bits, but he has no common sense at all.

Not sure what he is thinking here, but he always pulls a silly face when he sees he camera and gets all fidgety!
I did not realise until I transferred this to the computer, but I love that the box he is sat in says "please remove before use".
Blessings to all

Daisy Cat xx

Thursday 27 November 2008

Booking Through Thursday

Booking Through Thursday - a weekly meme about (mostly) books and reading.
Apparently it is Thanksgiving in America today - not something we really understand over the waters here, but I understand the emotions behind it, so today's question is:

So–just for today–how about sharing 7 things that you’re thankful for?

1. My amazing soulmate of a hubby
2. My loving family
3. My 3 gorgeous fur-babies (known as Sophie, Louis & Minnie)
4. That I have a secure job in this uncertain time
5. My fantastic network of friends, who keep me sane when I need it
6. That I have a roof over my head and food in my cupboard
7. That I have my health (well most of the time - there seems to be so many bugs going around at the mo!)

Good question this week - I try to always make a list of things I am grateful for when I am feeling low - it does work!

Blessings to all
Daisy Cat xx

Rant over

Feeling a little happier this evening - I have made the decision to pull out of the swap. I did not feel right about asking someone to craft in such a short period of time. I did get permission to post what I would have sent in the gallery though, so I did get to share, which was nice.
I was so pleased with everything I made, but especially the stocking itself, the bowling-style bag and the rainbow journal.

The stocking was made using random patchwork. I worked a piece larger than the template and cut out the shape. The reverse is the red star fabric. It is lined with a burgundy silk-type fabric. I added a variety of stars on the front in sequins, embroidery and beads. I stitched a little bunting shape decoration to go across the top and bound the lining, wadding, stocking, hanging loop and bunting together with bias-binding made from the burgundy swirl fabric. I finished the bunting with little jingle bells.


The bag was based on a bowling bag. The outer fabric was a recycled pair of trousers that I was given and knew I would never wear - it is a lovely chocolate brown. I lined the pocket and the bag with a stunning red fabric with a gold swirl. There is a pocket on the front, bound with red bias-binding, and a pocket on the inside.


The journal is my favourite item I made. I handmade all the paper within the journal, choosing colours to create the rainbow. I bound it and choose complimentary scrapbooking papers to cover it. I added a ribbon and button closure and two ribbon page markers with heart charms. I love it and have decided to keep it - how very selfish of me!!!
All in all, I did enjoy the swap process, but, I think understandably, I feel a bit let down by the final result. I will join in again at some point, but not sure when just yet.

Blessings to all
Daisy Cat xx

Wednesday 26 November 2008

Bit of a rant, I am afraid!


Not a happy post this evening. Several weeks back I decided to be a big brave girl and join one of the Craft Swaps on Craftster. This forum is full of the most talented and generous people and when I saw a swap come up for a Christmas Stocking full of goodies, I knew this was the one for me.

I am a very nervous crafter when it comes to sharing my talents - in that I have very little faith in my ability, regardless of how often I am told what I do is okay!

Well, I signed up and waited, somewhat impatiently, for the sign-up period to close and partners to be assigned. The day finally came and when I read the likes and dislikes of my assigned partner, I was a little nervous in that they were the complete opposite of mine, but I knew that it would be a challenge and I was up for that. I did a lot of research and made lists galore, but finally decided on what I was going to make.

Well, about 2 weeks ago I received an email to say that my partner appeared to be MIA. At this time I had all but finished the parcel and was ready to package it up and send. Luckily a replacement partner stepped up, but before anything could be arranged, Partner No 1 re-appeared on the scene and promised she would be sending before the end date for the swap. Well that date came and went last friday and no word came. It is now wednesday and no word has been received of her sending, so it is not looking good. And I have received word this evening that the lovely person who offered to stand in, has had life get in the way and will no longer be able to do it.

My options - to let them find me another partner or to drop from the swap. Do you ever get the feeling that something is just not meant to be? Well, I am right now. I have left the ball in the court of the organisers - I don't think it is fair to ask someone to craft and post in such a short period of time, but I would still love to be able to pass on the pleasure I have got from making the stocking and filling it to someone else!

I am sure there will be an update shortly - but I will leave this now with a heavy heart and the thought that hopefully there is someone out there that is feeling as bad as I am, for letting someone down. Although, for someone able to act like this, I somehow doubt there is!

Blessings to all (bar 1 person maybe, just this once)
Daisy Cat xx

Sunday 23 November 2008

Unconscious Mutterings week 304

Week 304 - 22nd November 2008
I say ... and you think ...?
From Luna Nina this week:

1. Spit it out :: Bush Tucker Trials on I'm a celebrity - it is just wrong on so many levels what they make those guys put in their mouths!
2. Shadow :: strangely enough, the first word that came to mind was boxing - do I want to explore that thought more deeply - not sure I do actually.
3. Database :: Spam emails and junk snail mail
4. Expression :: smiles that do not reach the eyes. Someone present in my life right now is very good at this and it makes them appear so false.
5. Boss :: Useless and overpaid!
6. Baby :: Finding out, just as I started to type this post, that some good freinds of ours are 13 weeks pregnant - they are so excited and I am so happy for them.
7. Mystic :: questionable! I am unable to say I do not believe and yet I have seen no conclusive evidence to say I do.
8. Kate :: wet kisses all over my cheek during a very drunken wedding reception. (I love you Kate, just as you are!)
9. Boobies :: Jessica - this may take some explaining! Jessica is my adored 3 yr old God-daughter and she has just realised that women have these things. She peers down your top at every possible opportunity and looks you straight in the face and says "You have boobies!" So cute and yet so embarrassing whilst out shopping!
10. Raid :: My husband's addiction to World of Warcraft and the excuse not to wash up after dinner is that he is going on a raid with his guild!

Peace to all
Daisy Cat xx

What are you thinking?


Back in September we went and stayed with Dad in France. Whilst staying with him we visited a medieval village called Chauvigny, specifically to see the "Les Geants du Ciel" show. We have been trying to visit here for a couple of years now, but every time we have tried, something has thwarted our attempts. This time, we made it and it was worth the wait. If you ever visit the area, take time to go and watch these majestic creatures flying in the ruins of a castle.

The castle stands up high over the modern town and I managed to capture a sneaky photo of my darling husband. (Bear in mind, please, that he normally scowls at me if I point the camera in his direction.) On deciding to catch up on some of my scrapbooking, this photo in particular shouted to be scrapped and this is the result:

Thanks to:
Layout inspiration: Sketch courtesy of - designed by Sarah Jane Dowsett
Programme: Photoshop Elements 6.0
All papers and elements: - megakit, September 2008
Font: Script MT Bold

It is not often my man stands still for long, so I was glad to capture this image. (I did however get one of his looks when he turned and caught me out!!)

I have no doubt I will be working with some of the hundred photos we took of the birds and will share when I do.

Blessings to all
Daisy Cat xx

Saturday 22 November 2008

Camera Critters Meme #33

Hi all

After a boring day of grocery shopping and sorting, I decided to come online to look for a fun meme to do this bitterly cold Saturday. Found Camera Critters:
and as I am owned by three gorgeous cats, who are all completely spoilt rotten, I could never miss the chance to introduce them to you!

Let me introduce you to Sophie - a blue and white British Shorthair, caught here enjoying a little patch of sunshine. She is almost completely deaf and blind, but still likes to live life to the full and loves nothing more than curling up on a lap to be fussed!

Blessings to all
Daisy Cat xx

Friday 21 November 2008

Friday 5 - November 21st host a meme - a series of 5 questions listed each friday (funnily enough!) This is the first time I have participated in this one, seems like fun, so here goes:

1. How’s your health? Not bad, considering I am slowly recovering from a viral throat infection. Glands have gone back down now and the sore throat has gone, but it has left a tiredness that I just cannot shake. But I have a weekend of very little planned, so hoping I get some much needed rest in!
2. How was your day? Long and tedious, trust me you do not want to know.
3. How’s the weather? The wind has been bitterly cold today, but it has been dry and sunny and the sunset was absolutely glorious. Why is it that a camera is not to hand when you most need it?
4. How do you expect to get anywhere in life with an attitude like that? Normally, I would say that I have a very balanced and positive attitude to life, but have discovered that a positive attitude is harder to maintain with such a level of tiredness. It will return shortly and I will be back to my positive self.
5. How many people made you smile today? I am the kind of person that will smile at anyone, for any reason, so I do not need people to "make" me smile. But I did have a very special smile saved for my dear hubby when I got in from work to the kettle boiling, ready to make a much needed cup of tea.

Blessings to all
Daisy Cat xx

Time to pick this blogging lark back up

I am absolutely amazed that it has been well over a year since I last posted to my blog.

It has been such an up and down year. The company which we had poured so much love and time (yes, and money) is now no more. We finally had to admit defeat when the bank decided to withdraw their support - in exactly the same month that we broke even for the first time. The bank withdrawing support came in the form of them reducing our overdraft dramatically which in turn meant all our direct debit payments failed and incurred hefty charges. The landlord did not take non-payment of rent too favourably, funnily enough, and started making life very uncomfortable. Eventually we came to the decision that struggling to pay rent and bills had lost its appeal and we called time on our beloved baby company.

We have also moved once more. Last time we moved it was into a house share situation. Everyone warned us about doing this and we heard more scare stories than I thought possible. Well, for the first 8 months it worked fine. We food-shopped as a team and took turns in cooking and cleaning (well mostly). Now, I would never be able to honestly say my husband and I are the tidiest of people, we like our home to be clean, but things in piles do not equal dirt. But even we have to draw the line at some things and it became to be a real bone of contention with the couple we shared the house with. More and more frequently it became us doing the majority of the housework. So when the contract came up for renewal, the decision was not hard to make!! This came not long after the company being closed, so with finances reduced to one income, an offer of a roof from my aunt was welcomed with open arms - and so this is where you find me now. We are basically living in one room, with all our furniture and belongings boxed in the attic (which was luckily completely empty). I would not agree with anyone who offered an opinion of this being easy. Anyone who has lived in their own home and then returned to living with family will no doubt agree with me.

What else have I been up to?

Well I have discovered swapping. Now, stop that giggling all you in the back row. The swapping that I have discovered is for the crafty-minded among us. I discovered and fell in love. This place brings together some of the most talented and generous people. Seeing what other crafty people get up to is inspiring. And they host Organised Swaps. I kept looking and wanting to join, but it took me a while to pluck up the courage to actually join in. When the sign up was posted for a Christmas Stocking swap, I decided to pluck that courage right up and sent of the questionnaire. It has been a real rollercoaster of a ride, apparently not normal for the swaps they host, I have been assured. I will post more about this once I have posted my package.

Following this, I discovered Since discovering this site I have signed up for 3 swaps - the first being an International Christmas Card swap. I had to send a christmas card (written) to 6 partners and in return would receive 6 back. They have a very simple rating system - 1 if you do not send, 3 if you send but do not meet the terms of the swap or 5 if you meet all terms. If the sender goes above the terms, you can award a heart. I sent well before deadline and have so far received 3/6 ratings, all 5's with 2 hearts. Why did I get hearts? Well I digitally designed, printed and made up a bookmark listing the details of the swap to include with the card. I have since signed up for an ATC swap and a further Christmas Card swap.

I have also discovered and again, I am in love. The basic premise is that you register with the site and send a postcard to a random member of the site. Once you have sent your name goes into the pool to receive a card. I have received so many stunning cards and have had a miniature insight into peoples lives. I will surely be returning to this subject in future posts.

Well, I am sure I have missed much in this catch up, but the plan is to return far more regularly in future, to keep track of all my swapping adventures.

Blessings to all
Daisy Cat x