Friday 21 November 2008

Friday 5 - November 21st host a meme - a series of 5 questions listed each friday (funnily enough!) This is the first time I have participated in this one, seems like fun, so here goes:

1. How’s your health? Not bad, considering I am slowly recovering from a viral throat infection. Glands have gone back down now and the sore throat has gone, but it has left a tiredness that I just cannot shake. But I have a weekend of very little planned, so hoping I get some much needed rest in!
2. How was your day? Long and tedious, trust me you do not want to know.
3. How’s the weather? The wind has been bitterly cold today, but it has been dry and sunny and the sunset was absolutely glorious. Why is it that a camera is not to hand when you most need it?
4. How do you expect to get anywhere in life with an attitude like that? Normally, I would say that I have a very balanced and positive attitude to life, but have discovered that a positive attitude is harder to maintain with such a level of tiredness. It will return shortly and I will be back to my positive self.
5. How many people made you smile today? I am the kind of person that will smile at anyone, for any reason, so I do not need people to "make" me smile. But I did have a very special smile saved for my dear hubby when I got in from work to the kettle boiling, ready to make a much needed cup of tea.

Blessings to all
Daisy Cat xx

1 comment:

'Ailina said...

"I am the kind of person that will smile at anyone, for any reason, so I do not need people to "make" me smile."

I gathered that about you! Stay that way!